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Welcome to the ZIM

The Centre for Information and Media Technology (ZIM) is a central operating unit of the Heinrich Heine University. It is a service and competence centre for all aspects of digital information supply and processing, digital communication and the use of digital media. With its expertise, ZIM is the contact and advisor for all members of the university in IT matters.

As the University's central IT service provider, ZIM is responsible for the operation, maintenance and regular renewal of the central IT infrastructure and connected infrastructural services for all areas of the University. The most important systems include the University's data and communication networks, server and storage infrastructures, central data management and basic services such as e-mail, video conferencing, data exchange services and web services.

+49 211 81-10111
Send Email
Building: 25.41
Floor/room: 00.53
Office Hours

Mo–Fr 8.00 –18.00 Uhr
(außer an Feiertagen; mittwochs 13 - 14 Uhr ausschließlich per E-Mail erreichbar)

Responsible for the content: ZIM : Contact by e-mail