The Helpdesk is the first point of contact for questions and problems regarding the HHU IT systems, and they accepts fault reports.
The most important information about the central university username, which is used to identify the user for a large number of ZIM's services, can be found here.
Guideline for Planning and Approval of Digitisation Projects for HHU Institutions - Relevant Documents & Contact (Intranet)
The ZIM has a number of laptops, beamers and recording equipment available for loan, especially for events.
In the Helpdesk, large-format posters (up to DIN A0) can be printed on an inkjet printer and then additionally laminated.
There are numerous training rooms in the ZIM that can be used by both students and members of all HHU institutions.
There are numerous workstations in the ZIM that can be used by both students and members of all HHU institutions.
The Dell Advantage programme offers HHU students and employees exclusive discounts for your personal use.