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Learning management system: ILIAS

Service description

ILIAS (acronym for: Integrated Learning, Information and Work Collaboration System) is the powerful web-based learning platform provided centrally for Heinrich Heine University by ZIM, which enables e-learning easily and in an integrated system.

This powerful learning platform not only enables the creation, provision and administration of various objects and materials, but also offers communication and collaboration options that can be used both between lecturers and students and by students among themselves.

ILIAS has, for example, an authoring tool with which teaching content can be created in so-called learning modules for self-directed, time- and location-independent learning. Various multimedia elements can be integrated into the text.

Another important user tool is the creation, implementation and evaluation of tests, both for exam preparation and for monitoring learning success.

Training on the use of ILIAS, also in combination with the campus portal, and on the creation of various learning and teaching objects is available on request.

The service is available to all HHU staff and students for official purposes.

You can...

  • have students work on different topics in learning or working groups
  • let them cooperatively create learning content in wikis
  • link the release of learning content to access tests or similar
  • have exercises/seminar papers submitted and managed online
  • set up discussion forums on individual topics
  • communicate online with individual or all students
    e.g. via internal email system or chat

No additional fees are charged to users for the service.

ILIAS has an authoring tool with which teaching content can be created in so-called learning modules for self-directed learning. Graphics, images, tables, videos, etc. can be integrated into the text. With the help of the eLAIX macro, learning modules can be created offline in OpenOffice and imported into ILIAS. It is also possible to import learning modules according to the SCORM standard and HTML learning modules. Learning modules created in ILIAS can also be exported into these formats.

ILIAS enables the creation, implementation and evaluation of tests to check learning success or prepare for exams. Different question types, e.g. multiple-choice question, arrangement question, free-text question, imagemap question, gap-fill question, are created in question pools from which the tests are compiled. In addition to defining assessment criteria, navigation options can be set for test processing.

Training on the creation of learning modules and tests is available on request.

Further information on eLearning and ILIAS can be found on the eLearning pages:

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