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Account lockout policy activated for logins with the university username

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Dear users at HHU,

we have taken further security measures to protect your accounts from possible attacks. As of 23.06.2023, we have implemented a new policy that automatically blocks user accounts in case of suspicious activity.

More specifically, we have activated an account blocking policy to protect against so-called brute force attacks. In these, attackers try to gain access to accounts by systematically trying different combinations of usernames and passwords.

The new policy will automatically lock your account if several incorrect password entries are made within a short period of time. Please note that this measure may affect several services at the same time. These include access to Exchange mail, WLAN, VPN, portals, and the wiki.

We have taken this step to better protect your accounts and provide you with a secure user experience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Further information and a complete overview of the affected services can be found at https://wiki.hhu.de/x/twaoHw.

Kategorie/n: ZIM-Meldung
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